Our Team

Our talented and motivated people (19 article clerks, 32 audit clerks), help us to deliver our promises to our clients. We have developed a culture that is based on teamwork, that promotes personal responsibility and initiative at all levels. We are committed to attracting clients, retaining them and helping them to be the best that is possible for them – now and in the future.

CA Dayaram Paliwal, B.Com, FCA, ISA

Experience of six years with Merchant Banker having T.O. over 1000 crs.

Certified Forensic Auditor & Fraud Detection Certified Auditor for Information System Audit He was the Chairman of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India -Vasai Branch 2008-10.

During his tenure as Chairman he has taken the branch to the highest level which had been highlighted by the fact that the branch, for the 1st time, received the much coveted “Best Branch of ICAI-2008 (Medium Size)†as well as "Best Branch of WIRC-2008".

CA Suresh B. Vaishnav, B.Com, F.C.A.

Professional Experience of 21 years, specializing in Indirect Taxation, Vat, Service Tax & GST In Charge of Mumbai Main Office located at Andheri, Mumbai.

CA Arvind D. Joshi, B.Com, F.C.A

Initiated career in a C.A. Firm in 1993 - In Charge of Goregaon Branch

CA Surendra Bhandari, B.Com, F.C.A

Wide experience in Statutory and Tax Audit, Internal Audit of large and medium scale companies, carrying out Bank Audit. (Concurrent Audit, Assets Verification, Stock & Debtors Audit) Wide Experience in Internal Audit, Statutory Audit, Taxation Accounting.

Office: in charge of Jodhpur Branch.

CA Santosh Chaudhary, B.Com, F.C.A

Vast Experience in Audit, Accounting, Statutory Audit, Internal Audit and concurrent Audit of banks. She is in-charge of Pune Branch.

CA. Swati Mouriya, B.Com, ACA

Extensive Experience in Accounting, Auditing Concurrent Audit of Banks, Statutory Audit of Banks, Internal Audit and Statutory Audit of Public Sector Units, Compliance & Registration, Taxation & Audit.

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